What to Do When Returning to a Flooded Home

Returning to a flooded home is never an easy thing, as there’s usually severe damage. When water damage occurs, it’s very important that you initiate the restoration process as quickly as possible. In this type of situation, calling our water damage restoration professionals at Restoration Now! Omaha is the best first step. We will rapidly and efficiently remove any excess water, evaporate what’s soaked into walls and furniture, dehumidify the air in your property, and assess any structural damage.

At Restoration Now!, we realize the stress created during an emergency event can be traumatic. Our water restoration team helps in every way possible to reduce any frustration of the restoration process by carefully documenting everything we do. This helps you to ensure peace of mind through an unexpected crisis.

How to perform a visual inspection around the exterior

When you first determine there is a water leak or flood, it is recommended to perform a basic visual inspection of the outside of your home. The goal with this inspection is to determine evidence of any electrical connections such as downed power lines, which may be in contact with the water. If there are, contact the fire department immediately.

Determine your safety during any water emergency

If you wish to perform an in home inspection prior to calling a water damage specialist, we suggest for you to protect yourself and your family. It is best to wear a pair of waterproof rubber boots to protect your feet from sharp objects or contamination. While you’re at it, grab a pair of rubber gloves and a hard hat if you have one. One of the dangers of flood water is contamination from chemicals and oil in the water, or worse – raw sewage.

Contact the Restoration Now! (Restoration Now! Omaha)

Water damage can be caused due to a simple human error such as leaving the faucet running or severe issues like a main water pipe bursting. In either of these situations, your safety is of the utmost importance. At Restoration Now!, we recommend you contacting our water restoration team immediately after a water emergency, as we can help reduce the damage of your property and household items. Call 402-502-7277, or use our quick contact form. We’re here to help!