How We Work
Although we’ve been fighting a germ war since the dawn of time, we’ve become more focused than ever before because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With heightened awareness of the dangers of viruses and bacteria we’re collectively responding. People are starting to return to work spaces, restaurants and movie theaters are slowly reopening, but our approach to keeping our spaces safe has forever changed.
Germs and viruses thrive on plastic and steel surfaces and survive for days. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends regular disinfections to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Dry fogging sanitation is one of the most affordable, efficient, and effective ways to fully disinfect any sized space.
The disinfectant solution we use is an EPA registered non-toxic solution called Myco. The solution is recognized an approved disinfectant for COVID-19.

Fog is sprayed into the air and disinfects surfaces as it comes in contact with them. An entire room can be fully disinfected in a matter of minutes.
Dry fogging allows for nearly full coverage ensuring areas that would be missed with traditional cleaning get treated.

Because dry fogging disinfecting can be accomplished quickly the cost per sq. ft. is much more affordable than traditional disinfecting.
Protects Your Reputation
If you’re a business or employer the new normal is a priority on having a safe and disinfected space. Letting people know that you’re doing everything you can with regular disinfecting protects your name and the people who visit your space.

The CDC recommends a two-step preventative measure for virus control: “Cleaning of all surfaces followed by disinfection.” Restoration Now’s dry fogging service follows the CDC disinfecting guidelines by disinfecting all surfaces in your space including:

Yes. To avoid disruption and risk of allergic reactions, areas should be clear of people during the fogging process. It’s best to schedule your dry fogging service before or after working hours. While the disinfecting solution is not toxic, there is always a risk of allergic reaction for those present during the application. Our disinfecting solution is non- hazardous, clear, non-corrosive, harmless to the environment, and requires no rinsing.

It’s important to note that fogging will disinfect an area and kill all viruses and bacteria that are present at the time of the application. However, if new viruses and bacteria are introduced into the space after the dry fogging application they will not be affected until another dry fogging application is applied. For spaces that have a lot of new people coming in and out every day like a movie theater fogging services can be done on a daily basis to ensure the most disinfected environment possible. Office spaces should be disinfected bi-weekly or at a minimum once a week. It all depends on how many people are coming and going, and to what degree you want to mitigate your risk.
Restoration Now is a Professional Omaha Dry Fogging Service You Can Trust
Licensed. Bonded. Insured
Thorough Employee Screening. We Use the Latest Cleaning Technology.
Your Omaha Dry Fogging Service Provider
Ready to make sure your space is safe, disinfected, and virus-free? Give us a call today, and we’ll give you a free quote. (402) 502-7277